The Story

Veiled Thoughts

The Evolution of a Wedding

August 27, 2011

It started with a little white lie . . .

I had subscribed to, hoping to forestall the looming eventuality of growing old, dying alone, and being eaten by my cats.   I gave myself three months to experience the wonders of internet romance, and it was drawing to a close when I received the first email from Matt.  It said “Hi,” and within a minute I received a second one that said “Sorry.”  Just as I was starting to wonder whether the man knew the difference between internet messaging and email, I got a third note.  This one explained that he was babysitting his nephew who felt compelled to further his dating prospects by hitting enter (send) at random moments.  Of course, my ovaries twitched as I pictured him holding a child on his lap, presumably sorting through dozens of potential mates and stopping to take note of my profile.  I sent him back a quick note:  “This is my interested face,” and the game was afoot.   It wasn’t until we had been dating for several months that he confessed to having pressed the enter key himself, forgetting that it would send the email rather than move to the next line.  He had used the excuse of a nephew because he didn’t want me to think he was one of the slow kids.   Of course, by then, I knew that he really did babysit often, that he helped blind nuns, brought trees to poor kids at Christmas, and occasionally traded work for apple pie when little old ladies were in need.  I was already in love.